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     “Transparency”, “Open”, “Different Kind of Campaign”

     These are all words and phrases that Sen. Barack Obama has used to describe the type of candidate that he wanted to be in this election. Sen. McCain has been accused of running a negative attack campaign, and inciting racial tones. Yet McCain has refrained from discussing Rev. Wright, and has pointed NOT to Obama’s ties to terrorist Bill Ayers BUT to Obama’s lack of candor about the alliance with Ayers, ACORN, and others. Obama, on the other hand, has not been followed through on his statements and promises of being “open and transparent.”

Obama training for ACORN

     Would you vote for Obama if you knew he was a member of the Socialist Party, known in Chicago in the 90’s as the New Party?

      On numerous websites that had been in Google’s archives, articles about Obama’s ties to the Socialist agenda through the New Party and the Democratic Socialists of America have been well documented. It seems that Obama forgot to have those scrubbed from the World Wide Web.

     Would you vote for a Obama if you knew that he is refusing to release his school records from Occidental, Columbia, and Harvard?

      The campaigns for the Presidency are like a job interview, and most applications, you not only list past work experience, but you education as well. In addition to that, to apply for Bar membership, these documents would have to be provided as well.

     It has been well written that John McCain did not graduate at the top of his class at the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis. In fact it was near the bottom. There are conflicting reports about Obama’s educational skills, and whether his academic history at Columbia was sufficient to have qualified for admission to Harvard without Khalid Al-Mansour asking Percy Sutton of New York to write a letter on behalf of Obama due to Sutton’s Harvard connections.

      Would you vote for Obama if you knew that he has refused to produce his “vault” birth certificate to be verified, but instead posted a forged document in conjunction with the leftist blogsite Daily Kos?

     While I find David Axelrod to be arrogant and obnoxious, I am sure that he is intelligent enough to have foreseen that with Obama’s biography, there were going to be questions about his heritage, his lineage, his citizenship.

     It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever that the only media that the Obama team addressed the birth certificate issue with was the Daily Kos, especially when mainstream media is fawning over him. Unless the production of the vault birth certificate and his Indonesian records are going to reveal more untruths, like his initial Ayer’s answers, then it would seem that it would be most prudent to simply supply the information.

     Obviously, with the increased traffic on attorney Philip Berg’s website regarding his lawsuit challenging Obama’s eligibility to run for POTUS, it would seem that the interest in the answer to this part of Obama’s biography are finally growing. With 22 days until the election, if Obama is elected, we could be facing a Constitutional Crisis that could have been avoided by his openness and the media doing their job of vetting the candidate.

     Would you vote for Obama if you knew that he has downplayed his role in ACORN, or that his campaign gave ACORN $832,000 for voter registration assistance (which the campaign initially reported as an expense for sound and lighting; “an error”), and ACORN’s activities are now being investigated in at least 12 states?

     The ACORN investigations cannot be labeled as partisan attacks. The Nevada investigation was begun at the behest of a Democratic Secretary of State. ACORN was active in Obama’s 2004 Senate campaign. in 1992, Obama said he worked with Project Vote in the Chicago area on voter registrations, not ACORN. However, both organizations’ records show they were at the same location.

     So, what exactly is the bottomline? To ask these questions is not stoking the coals of racism! To ask these questions is to verify the thin resume of a candidate whose record does not support the claims that he has made in his campaign. Because the economy has become a major focal point, and because McCain is a member of the party that presently occupies the White House, the Democratic candidate is bolstered by those main factors. But with such lack of candor from Obama, he should not receive the “free pass” that the media and the Democratic party have so freely issued to him.

       Louis Farrakhan may claim him as the Messiah, but to average Joe SixPack, he still needs to provide proof to back up his just words!!

“Anybody can become angry, that is easy; but to be angry with the right person, and to the right degree, and at the right time, and for the right purpose, and in the right way, that is not within everybody’s power, that is not easy.”  Aristotle

Sen. McCain,

     The American public is ready for you to be the strong and forthright leader that we need.

     This is The Moment, Our Moment, and on Wednesday night, you need to combine a strong sense of our economic condition and policy agenda to deal with it, and couple that with a full out questioning of Sen. Obama on who he is, including his alliances and proof of his eleigibility to Constitutionally be the President of the United States.

     This is The Moment, Our Moment for you to take full control of your campaign, and show that you are our Commander-in-Chief!!


Note: Gov. Mike Huckabee used Aristotle’s quote on his FOX show this evening.

UPDATE: Appearing in Virginia this morning, as quoted in the Washington Post:

“Let me give you the state of the race today and some straight talk. We have 22 days to go. We’re 6 points down. The national media has written us off. But they forgot to let you decide,” McCain said. “What America needs in this hour is a fighter, someone who puts all his cards on the table and trusts the judgment of the American people.”


 For many months, Larry Sinclair has tried to get the Obama campaign to acknowledge the Senator’s drug use with him in 1999. He has tried to get the media to hear his story and investigate it. He has endured, along with his family, personal attacks that have included intimidation of his mother, the cessation of his disability income, and his arrest precipitated by a bogus claim pushed through a Delaware grand jury at the behest of Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden, whose father was rewarded for his cooperation in this matter by being named as Obama’s running mate.

     Late yesterday, in an illegal activity that will make Watergate look like child’s play, BOTH of Larry Sinclair’s email accounts, through AOL and HotMail, were hacked into and ALL emails removed. That was then followed by the complete elimination of all of the postings on Larry Sinclair’s blogsites. In addition to that, the site that started the Larry Sinclair story rolling, YouTube, removed his videos and closed his account. Of course, all of this was preceded by the Blogspot radio completely erasing his entire radio show and archives without any warning.

     The email accounts were obviously attacked to garner the information that had been sent to Sinclair. Months of speculation by the Sinclair naysayers have pointed to various groups that the naysayers believed were behind the Sinclair movement. Although Sinclair has made it abundantly clear that he was not an operative for anyone, the internet Obama thugs have tried to attach him to anyone they could, from Hillary Clinton to John McCain.

     Even as I post this, Larry Sinclair is in the process of getting the sites restored, and continuing to get the message out.

Larry Sinclair, “Taking It To the Streets”

     So, if Larry Sinclair’s story is not true, WHY THE MAJOR CONCERTED EFFORT to make sure it is stopped NOW ?? Why not Phil Berg’s story, or TexasDarlin’s blogs? Why not NoQuartersUSA?

     Looks like it’s going to get even bumpier !!

     When you make your career path and goals, and begin a course of putting your plan into action, everything that you do or everything that occurs along the way of that path factors into accomplishing the goals you set for yourself.

     For Barack Obama, he decided upon an ideology that was premised in assisting those less fortunate to overcome the obstacles and barriers that he saw placed there by those he was taught to believe were the oppressors. Obama chose an activist type role, a community organizer, to begin to implement an agenda that encompasses the philosophy of numerous Socialist types, nit the least being Karl Marx himself.

     From his book “Dreams of My Father”, in his own words, Barack Obama describes the choices he made in choosing the alliances he formed:

   “To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist Professors and structural feminists and punk-rock performance poets.”   Page 100 “Dreams of My Father”

     Let us remember that when plagarizing Gov. Deval Patrick’s (D-MA) speech, the fundamental line was “Just words“! They are just words until they are put into action. Just words until the actions give them meaning.

     Using his “just words”, and applying his principle, we see the pattern develop in accordance with his Socialistic agenda:

                      Michelle Robinson Obama

                      William Ayers

                      Rev. Jeremiah Wright

                      New Party of the Democratic Socialist of America


                      Father Pfleger

     Even in the planning of his campaign strategy and staff, Obama chose a young student of Marxism and Communism, Harvard graduate Sam Graham-Felsen to be the lead blogger on his campaign website. Graham-Felsen has written for publications such as The Nation and Socialist Viewpoint. Based on Obama’s “words’, this choice is just as key in his agenda as are his alliances previously listed.


Sam Graham-Felsen

     None of the claims of a Socialistic agenda are fabrications of the right wing; they are verifiable from the words and actions of the CANDIDATE himself.

     So, then, where is the media that is supposed to show all sides of the story. Where is Walter Cronkite when you really need him!!

     While John McCain and Sarah Palin are tagged as stoking the fires of racism much like the late Gov. George Wallace, the team of Sen. Obama is also blasting anyone and everyone who keeps trying to tie the Senator to ACORN and its voter registration fraud, citing also “racial overtones”.

     However, it seems that if one searches hard enough and long enough, the words— you know they are Just Words— things seem to show up.

     Sen. Barack Obama spoke at a community organizer forum in December 2007, as a Presidential candidate. Upon being questioned if he would meet with community organizers within the first 100 days of an Obama administration, Obama said he would go one step further, and ACORN would be invited to be a part of the transition team to help SHAPE the Obama AGENDA !

     This is Obama’s present ties to ACORN. This is not the PAST that he harps that McCain keeps using. Sen. Obama– it’s not the alliances, it’s your DECEPTION about the alliance.

Obama with ACORN Reps. during his 2004 Senate Campaign




     Philadelphia attorney Philip Berg is challenging Sen. Barack Obama to “Put up or Get Out“!!

     Illuminati Films, which has produced several short films on the Illinois Senator, has released this short film, featuring Philip Berg giving his reasons and justification as to why Barack Obama is not eligible Constitutinally to be elected to the United States Presidency:

    I have said on numerous occasions, this is just a very simple task for the Obama campaign. It is obvious from Mr. Berg’s website that in the last 3-4 days, even the mainstream media is carefully monitoring this case. The answer for Obama is simple: Show the real documents, or WITHDRAW from the Campaign!


     The media, in their infinite control of the information spoon-fed to us on a 24/7 basis, is giving us the information that is needed to portray Sen. Barack Obama as the cool headed, strong commander while attempting to make Sen. John McCain look like he George Bush for a 3rd term. Worse, the media allows themselves to be shouted over by the Obama spokespeople who are now talking in the same arrogant tone of elitist attitude that Obama does.

     Sen. McCain, I in no way have the experience that your political strategists have, but I do know that you have crowds at your rallies telling you they are mad because they know that the media has BO-Jacked this election from us.

     It is well known that you stated early on in the Rev. Wright fiasco that this issue was not up for use on character assassination. I respect your attempt to honor your word. At the same time, your opponent  has promised the electorate that he would have a “different” type of campaign, an open and transparent campaign, and guess what? He has not honored his word to be open and transparent!

          He didn’t know Ayer’s past, but then says he thought he was repentant.

          He never heard any of those Rev. Wright comments— Michelle probably has all the DVD’s.

          He never worked for ACORN– twist on words, since ACORN is many groups and alliances.

          He keeps mentioning all your lobbyist ties and the banking industry, but forgets that his running mate’s family are LOBBYISTS, and his running mate represents the state that all the banking and credit card companies flock too !!

      Sen. Barack Obama has not put forth any comprehensive plan to tackle our economic concerns. Further, no one, in either camapign or in Washington, are addressing the grassroots concerns that there may be a concerted Socialistic agenda underway to minimize our dollar on the world market to such an extreme that we will be forced to a new monetary system such as the Ameros.

       In these waning days of this election, we need our candidate to show that he is the maverick that can be the true leader in this crisis. We don’t need the racial epithets at the rallies, but we do need the voice of the American concern in what an Obama Presidency will be like. We have every reason to fear for our freedoms, for his campaign’s strong arm tactics in the control of our freedom of speech and our freedom the press have already compromised those freedoms.

      Sen. McCain- be our William Wilberforce !!


     In Waukesha, Wisconsin today, the crowd gathered to hear Sen. John McCain and Gov. Sarah Palin made sure that their position on Barack Obama and our future was heard Loud and Clear!!



Gov. Mitt Romney, Sen. John McCain, and Mayor Rudy Guiliani

     Ok, so its not the real lead story for tonight, BUT IT CERTAINLY COULD BE!!

     Sen. John McCain, trailing in the polls, has been tagged as “struggling”, “floundering”. The pundits and the experts say that the McCain campaign needs to present a clear message, particularly with regard to charting a course to correct the economic problems we face now, and in the coming months, years.

     If John McCain were to step to the microphone and in John McCain style, announce that upon his November 4th landslide victory against Sen. Barack Obama, he is naming former New York Mayor Rudy Guiliani to be his Attorney General, and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney as his Treasury Secretary. With that announcement, Romney announces a detailed and comprehensive economic plan and strategy that encompasses the need to address our energy crisis while resolving the financial nightmare on Wall Street and in the mortgage market that has so many foreclosure signs on Main Street.

     For his part, Guiliani announces a strong task force charged with the responsibility of weeding through the Wall Street debacle, finding the criminals who robbed America, and give justice to the taxpayers! Guiliani likens his “cleaning up Wall Street” to Bobby Kennedy’s ideology in prosecuting the racketeers within the powerful unions in the 1960’s.

     Sen. Obama (true part) today bashed McCain’s $300 billion mortgage plan as being a twisted version of what HE has been proposing during the past few weeks, thus Obama should get the credit for this concept. Obama does fail to cite that while he was still battling Hillary Clinton, Sen. McCain, along with Carly Fiorina, were discussing this concept in April at Carnegie-Mellon.

     Were John McCain to take this bold step, 26 days before the election, as bold as he did in tapping Gov. Sarah Palin as the VP, coupled with a strong economic message, Obama would NEVER be able to catch up in the polls, and all of the efforts that Obama’s $830,000 paid for to ACORN would mean absolutely nothing!!

     In the months since I have begun blogging, even before establishing this blogsite, I have been attacked for my conservative views, or, more simply, for not falling into line with the support of Chairman Barack. (Trying to be humorous despite the “doom and gloom” of our daily news!).

     I am not one that falls prey to the multitude of conspiracy theorists, well, except for the fact that in no way was President Kennedy assassinated by a lone gunman! So I read and watch some of the stories unfold, and the conspiracy theories that follow.

     Earlier this summer, a radio talk show host made calims that we were headed towards a financial disaster, that China played a major role in it, and that a sure tell-tale sign would be the movement of a great deal of dollar assets to foreign accounts.

     To my surprise, or perhaps not, as the mortgage fiasco and Wall Street meltdown unfolded during the past few weeks, these exact events appeared.

     Now, based on some verbage used by Rep. Brad Sherman when the House debated the bailout legislation, some validity can be attached to internet claims of an “Amero” dollar having already been minted by the U.S. Treasury, and there are claims that the Chinese banks have already received an amount of Ameros to secure our debt to them in the event of the collapse of our monetary system. The Amero will be the currency for the “union” of Canada and Mexico with the United States– in line with the proposed “superhighway“.

     Were our legislators strong armed in the back rooms and hallways of Congress with the idea that martial law would be imposed if the bailout package were not passed? A particular brigade has been reassigned for “disturbance” control within our borders. They have used hurricanes and other circumstances as the reasoning.

      Add figures like George Soros, and the conspiracy theories will continue to grow. The question is which one’s will become reality.