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(CNN) — A Gulf Coast official accused BP of shipping workers into Grand Isle, Louisiana, for President Barack Obama’s visit to the oil-stricken area Friday and sending them away once the president left the region.

Early Friday morning, “a number of buses brought in approximately 300 to 400 workers that had been recruited all week,” Jefferson Parish Councilman Chris Roberts told CNN’s “Situation Room.”

Roberts said the workers were offered $12 an hour to come out to the scene at Grand Isle and work in what he called a “dog and pony show.”

But, when Obama departed, so did the workers, he said, adding that he’s never seen more than 20 workers at the Grand Isle cleanup site since the effort started.

for full article:

Note: This is a typical activity in China, right out of Mao’s playbook.

See World Net Daily for story:

From Wikipedia profile on Anita Dunn

Personal life

She is married to the President’s personal lawyer, Robert Bauer, a partner at Perkins Coie who has been the general counsel of Obama for America since January 2007. They reside in Chevy Chase, Maryland. Newsweek named Dunn and Bauer the new “power couple” in Washington, D.C. in 2008

Robert (Bob) Bauer



Firmwide Chair, Political Law Practice

Robert Bauer is the Chair of the Political Law Group of Perkins Coie LLP. In Bob’s 30 years of practice, he has provided counseling and representation on matters involving regulation of political activity before the courts and administrative agencies of national party committees, candidates, political committees, individuals, federal officeholders, corporations and trade associations, and tax-exempt groups.

Bob is the author of several books — United States Federal Election Law (1982, 1984), Soft Money Hard Law: A Guide to the New Campaign Finance Law  (2002) and More Soft Money Hard Law: The Second Edition of the Guide to the New Campaign Finance Law  (2004) — and numerous articles. He also serves on the National Advisory Board of Journal of Law and Politics. In 2000, he received the prestigious “Burton Award for Legal Achievement” for his legal writing. Bob is a 1976 graduate of the University of Virginia School of Law, where he was named Hardy Dillard Fellow in legal writing.

Robert Bauer is reportedly a regular contributor at the Huffungton Post.

He is also known as the “BC Czar”, doing some of the legal threatening to Plaintiff’s challenging Obama’s eligibility and citizenship:

She goes on to talk about individual choice–which is a mockery to say in the same breath as the name of Mao.  People under communism don’t get to make their own choices; they get told what’s good for them by their masters and they’d better like it.

She further talks about Mao’s civil war to take over China and you can almost hear the violins as she describes how the odds were against him.

These people are just head-over-heels, panting with lust infatuated with Marxism.  Everywhere you turn in the Obama Administration, you have Marxists, from the top on down.

What have we done???

See full POST:

Note: The Washington Post “puff piece” on Anita Dunn appears to lay the groundwork for her departure from the White House.

     When President Barack Hussein Obama was scheduled to address the youth of our nation in an inoculous (?) speech a few weeks ago, the uproar was not about the President telling the children to “stay inschool”, but in the “lesson plans” to accompany the speech. The plans were, at the very least, the groundwork of an indoctrination of our youth.

      Listen now to the “praising of the Obama”:

      Let me ask if any of the readers have spent ANY amount of time in a Communist country, like the People’s Republic of China? No, not in the tourist traps, but actually living in the country for awhile. This video clip is pure Chairman Mao, no matter HOW the liberal educators try to spin it.

      Thus, it is safe to say, that in addition to needing to weed the libs out of Congress and our legislatures, we must lure more conservatives into teaching (and lure those already there out from behind the curtain)!

UPDATE: Since the airing of this video on YouTube, the link may have been disabled. See Michelle Malkin for update, story, and pics. FOXNews has also covered the story. I would wager you won’t find it on MSNBC, CNN, or the three networks.

There was a discussion in the comments regarding “Indoctrination” versus “Education”.

On September 8th, just days before we honor the thousands who died in the 9/11 attacks, a day now marked as a “National Day of Service”, the President will address the “Students of the Nation”.

Here is the outline for teachers:’s-Address-to-Students-Across-America-September-8-2009

OK,  I will admit that I am not an educator, but I have been actively involved (and critical) of the manner in which some teachers and professors impact the lives of our greatest treasure- the next generation. I have seen enough of how the students in the People’s Republic of China are “taught”, and I see this weaved through the fabric of the education of our children. This is the educational philosophy of William Ayers encapsuled at its finest!

I hope its not too late for our educators to see what some of them have done!

     Thanksgiving— that special day we give thanks for all that we have, the blessings we have received!! Under the Obama Economic Plan, instead of Turkey and Mashed Potatoes, we will be having “Chop Suey”. So you can be prepared, here is the recipe:

This recipe for chicken chop suey comes from cookbook author Deh-ta Hsiung, who writes that it is “the classical ‘Chicken Chop Suey’ dish that heralded Chinese food to the western world at the end of the nineteenth century…” – it is rather amazing to think that one of the world’s greatest cuisines should have been represented by a dish that did not even originate in China itself, but thousands of miles away in San Francisco, USA!”

  Chicken Chop Suey serves 4

More Chinese Recipes


  • 4 – 6 ounces (115 – 175 grams) chicken meat, thinly shredded
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 egg white
  • 1 tablespoon thick cornflour/cornstarch paste – (1 part cornflour with 1.2 parts cold water)
  • about 1/2 pint (300 ml) seasoned oil (see below) 
  • 1/2 teaspoon finely chopped garlic (optional)
  • 1 tablespoon thinly shredded fresh ginger root
  • 3 – 4 spring onions, thinly shredded
  • 4 – 6 ounces (115 – 175 grams) bean sprouts
  • 1 small green pepper, cored and seeded, thinly shredded
  • 1/2 teaspoon caster (superfine) sugar
  • 1 tablespoon light soy sauce
  • 1/2 tablespoon Chinese rice wine
  • 2 tablespoons stock
  • pinch of MSG (optional)
  • a few drops sesame oil


Mix the chicken shreds with a pinch of the salt, the egg white and about 1 teaspoon cornflour/cornstarch paste.  Blanch them in warm oil, stir to separate, then remove and drain them. 

For the rest of the instructions:


   It does not matter whether or not you have children in school, public or private. We all have a stake in our school sysytem, and if we fail to pay attention to what has already happened, and what is happening now in our schools, we will all pay the consequences, primarily in the indoctrination to forsake our God given liberties.

    The follwoing was found on a blog site. I urge all to make it a point to check out the schools in your area. This needs to be publicized if it is not an isolated case:

This Is Very Disturbing!

Moderator: To me this is hard news but post where appropiate.

My son, who is in 1st grade, came home yesterday saying that he didn’t want to go back to school anymore. So I asked him why? He said that during the Pledge of Allegiance the teacher put up a large image of Obama next to the flag. I asked him if he was sure of this and I suggested to him that maybe the teacher just put up an 8×10 photo of the president. He said, “No, it is a large picture of Obama and when we are done Ms. **** turns off the image.” I also asked if they did this for Bush last year? He again said, “No.” This was my sons first day back to school since before Christmas, he was on a 5 week track break.

My wife volunteers a couple of days each week with helping out with my sons teacher doing various duties. She said that she would come in early this morning to see what was going on. She just got back and reported that this was true and then some. She said she waited out in the pod area and could see inside 3 of the 5 class rooms in this section of school. She said that when the kids stand each teacher flips on the classroom overhead and a full body image of Obama, with six U.S. flags behind him, comes up about 4 feet away from the flag that hangs on the wall. She said that the image has Obama staring straight at you with no facial expressions, just a serious look. I asked my wife if Obama had his hand over his heart? She said that she was so taken aback by this that she didn’t see it. What is worse is she said that all of the kids in each class faced Obama instead of the flag that hangs in the corner.

What the heck is going on?

Guys and gals, I need some advise on how to approach this. I can be somewhat hot headed so I need to plan accordingly with what to say to the principal when we go in to inquire about this. I am sure I will be brushed off so what is my next step? Obviously it will be the school district but then who? ACLU, Veteran groups, Christian groups? Who would be interested in this vile activity?

This is happening in the Clark County School District here in Las Vegas, Henderson area


     Pocket Obama

          In Mao’s China, it was the “Red Book”. is selling the leftist’s version of Mao’s Red Book, the “Pocket Obama“!

Here is the description from Amazon’s website:


Printed in a size that easily fits into pocket or purse, this book is an anthology of quotations borrowed from Barack Obama’s speeches and writings. POCKET OBAMA serves as a reminder of the amazing power of oratory and the remarkable ability of this man to move people with his words. His superb and captivating oratory style has earned comparisons to John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King, and this collection presents words that catapulted his remarkable rise to the American Presidency. Includes themes of democracy, politics, war, terrorism, race, community, jurisprudence, faith, personal responsibility, national identity, and above all, his hoped-for vision of a new America. This book is truly a primer for readers who want to examine the substance of his thought and reflect on the next great chapter in the American story. It is an unofficial requirement for every citizen to own, to read, and to carry this book at all times.”

 Be sure to read the reviews.