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     More than 2500 days have passed since the extreme Islamic jihadists, at the direction of Osama bin Laden, attacked the United States on our own soil. Whatever else that is said or blamed upon the Bush administration, he can receive credit for leading a positive war on terrorism.

     It is that war on terrorism that has caused us to look at things more carefully, perhaps more cynically. For just that reason, the very fact that Sen. Obama has chosen during 21 months of campaigning to downplay any mere mention of his ties with William Ayers or the Syrian born Tony Rezko, his relationship with Rashid Khalidi, or why Percy Sutton of NY was asked by Kahlid Al-Mansour to write a letter of recommendation to Harvard for Obama (who Sutton says he did not know), are important questions to be addressed. They are just as important as the issues of the economy and health care, since they are at the heart of national security. Is the implication that Obama is a terrorist? Probably not, at least not in the sense that we envision. But terrorism can be done in many ways, not just in the militant means of Bill Ayers.

Dr. Rashid Khalidi

     The following synopsis and link were sent to me earlier today. I submit them as “food for thought”:



IS Barack Obama ‘THE CHOSEN ONE’ ?


OsamaBinLaden targeted democracy and capitalism, when he bombed the World Trade Center, killing innocent civilians. 


OBL says he will destroy us.


Is it possible that we have Iran, Russia, Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea & China either working together to cause financial meltdown in the USA, AND/or working independently to do the same?


Is this financial crisis our SUICIDE BOMB?  And WHO launched it?


 Is Barack Obama another type of BOMB created to destroy DEMOCRACY and CAPITALISM?


What is a “home grown terrorist”, actually?


I found this interesting article, written by Reverend Ted Pike who has spent some time searching for the definition of “home grown terrorist”.  He seems to think that those of us who are fighting AGAINST socialism, could be somehow defined as TERRORISTS based on his research!


How do YOU interpret this article? 


Quoting Bill O’Reilly: “What say You!!!”??

Dr. Khalid Al-Mansour





FOXNews “Fox and Friends”

  Obama Spokesperson Bill Burton appeared on FOXNews Fox & Friends earlier today to condemn Sen. McCain’s ads about Sen. Obama’s ongoing friendship with terorist Bill Ayers and his wife. In his usual beligerence, Burton brushed off most questions about Ayers, claiming that the Americans want to know about the economy, etc. I am responding as an American voter to Mr. Burton here:

     Dear Bill Burton:

    As the Obama campaign spokesman, I found your attacks on FOXNews “Fox & Friends” this morning obnoxious and boorish.

    From this American voter, let me answer and address your concerns of what we want from your campaign, at least in my opinion-

     Yes, we want answers on the economy, the bailout, McCain’s mortgage plan using the bailout funds, the war on terrorism, the war in Iraq, Osama bin Laden, healthcare, and every other pressing issue impacting us.

     Yes, we want honesty. No, we don’t like attack ads, but, be realistic, if they didn’t work, millions would not be spent on them.

     What we want is honest answers to the problems, and that honesty must have a foundation in a trust that has been earned from the American voter.

     Sen. Barack Obama’s “hidden” anger at the Ayers questions stems from the anger he built over the questions into his Rev. Wright relationship. If Obama cannot be forthright and “transparent” as he promised, then how is he the candidate of “Change”? How can he expect our trust if he won’t answer the questions:

       Yes, it’s important to know the FULL extent of Obama’s involvement with Ayers:

                      Their wives worked together. They served on several Boards together. Ayers chose Obama for the Chicago Annenberg Challenge to dole out between $50 & $100 million dollars to various organizations.

                       Obama was involved with the Democratic Socialists of America, which itself is alleged to be affiliated in the 1960’s with Ayer’s Weather Underground.

                       While out Columbia, a time that Obama has the journalists gloss over, Ayers lived just a few blocks from Obama…… sort of as he does now.

                        Are all of these things just coincidences. Give some honest answers.

     If Sen. Obama wants our trust on all of the important issues, he must be forthright. This candidate, whose father was from another nation, had to expect questions into his heritage, and should not have expected that his words…just words… would be or should be taken as gospel.

     Therefore, I ask:

           Why did the Senator use the Daily Kos to “role out” his birth certificate when it was questioned?

           Why is the Senator seeking a Protective Order to Halt Discovery in the lawsuit filed against him in Eastern Pennsylvania federal court by attorney Philip Berg?

           Why has the campaign opted to use a forged document as Obama’s birth certificate instead of simply providing the vault original?

           How did Barack Obama/Barry Soetoro travel to Pakistan in 1981 when the State Department had a travel ban to the area? Did Obama have an Indonesian passport as the amended lawsuit alleges, and thus Obama his CITIZENSHIP issues that can be raised just 26 DAYS before the election?

           Why won’t you permit your records from Occidental, Columbia and Princeton to be released, including the financial aid? Why does Mrs. Obama mention just “paying off the student loans” but in the debate Tuseday you alluded to having gone through school on scholarships? Were your student loans paid off prior to your 2004 run for the Senate? Which tax returns are they reflected on?

       You see, Mr. Burton, there are many questions for which the answers would give the American voter the truth, and the truth would garner Obama the trust he needs. Threats to McCain about the Keating 5 are Obama’s veiled attempt at intimidation; G. Gordon Liddy, unlike Ayer’s, paid his “debt to society”, so these attacks at McCain further inflame the American voter.

      Mr. Burton, I will put it in sales terms…. Obama has not “closed the deal” yet, and won’t if he cannot resolve these issues satisfactorily to us, the American voters.



                                                  Just Americans Making Ethical Statements



     Dr. Jerome Corsi, PhD., the author of “Obama Nation”, the controversial book detailing Sen. Barack Obama’s radical past and his ties to his “other” country, Kenya, was detained and expelled from Kenya yesterday after returning to Kenya for more information that had previously been unavailable to him during his research.

     Speaking on Sean Hannity’s radio talk show today, from England, Dr. Corsi has alleged that he has either seen or has in his possession, documents, including emails, that show a hands-on involvement of a United States Senator and Ralia Odinga, who has now been elected as Kenyan’s Prime Minister. The U.S. Senator is Barack Obama, and Odinga is Obama’s cousin.

Obama campaigning with Odinga

     Cousin to Cousin, giving campaign advise….. hardly a controversy!! However, Dr. Corsi reportedly can show that Obama used his U.S. Senate email account to correspond with Odinga, to outline campaign strategy. He further assigned one of his Senior Senate Aides, Mark Lippert, to be Odinga’s contact for further assistance during Odinga’s campaign. Mark Lippert is Obama’s advisor on foreign policy.Some of the documentation discusses how to handle any of the controversies that may arise on either side of the Atlantic as a result of their actions, and Obama also agrees to support Odinga in utilizing sharia law in Kenya.

Odinga supporters riot during elections in Kenya

     Family ties aside, Obama’s interaction with Odinga is questionable, particularly as a Presidential candidate, and as a taxpayer, I question a paid Congressional aide be at the disposal of a foreign individual seeking public office, as well as the Senator’s use of our governmental email account for these conversation.

     If Dr. Corsi’s documents are legitimate, and these claims are able to be substantiated in any form, and if any U.S. laws have been violated by the Senator, he should be accountable for the actions. Under the Freedom of Information Act, Obama’s emails, as well as Mark Lippert’s, should be turned over to the Dept. of Justice immediately.

Mark Lippert, Sr. Aide in Foreign Policy for Sen. Obama

  Related article links:


hmmm…. Corsi,…. Odinga… Kenya… Obama…. detainment… release… and Corsi still escapes with these “valuable documents”???


Obama and Odingo

Corsi gives Kenyan police a “warning” and they submit to his request for release? hmmm

Okay, this is how MY SICK MIND WORKS…. ONLY because I have had a little experience with “militant” societies… I’ve been “detained” for the crime of having no foreigner’s permit to enter into a specific region of a communist country… took me a pack of smokes, a cell phone and about 4 hours to get released – I’m pretty good at charades… OH but the village leader bought me dinner at the best place in town!!! (dog meat stew & very good warm beer) I WAS grateful.

Okay, Corsi is at his hotel a couple of days… then he is “detained” on his way to the press conference…. and his ROOM WAS NEVER RANSACKED? They never found these incriminating documents regarding BO’s hand in Odinga’s massacre?

Corsi is going to meet “someone” to get these Obama, incriminating, documents that tie him to Odinga, a massacre and Obama acting in an advisory capacity, EVEN to the extent of defining ways to COVER IT UP…. don’t you think “they” (Kenya government) knew it before Corsi arrived?

SOMEONE gave Corsi these documents… will that person be BREATHING by the time someone in the USA Press wants to verify the information?

Maybe the Kenyan government DID find the docs…. did they add, omit or trade them with whatever Corsi has in hand now? Will the water markings show an outline of Mickey Mouse hotel stationary from an Orlando Hotel?

I’M JUST SAYIN’, geesh, it’s hard for me to believe that Corsi got out WITH the docs he intended on getting from his valuable source.

UNLESS, someone did not like BO very much… somebody very HIGH IN OFFICE… maybe BO’s papa and/or his family was not in FAVOR with this government – maybe a disgruntled brother of one of his wives? Maybe someone else wants to bring BO DOWN?

The Kenyan government is within all of their “rights” to take these documents…. then again, MONEY TALKS…

The AP said Corsi was in Kenya “promoting his book”… OH yeah, like the Kenyan’s have the money to spend on ANY BOOK… especially one that depicts their beloved BO as one the USA does NOT want as a leader.

Connect the dots.

I do not think we will ever really know HOW Corsi got out of Kenya, alive, BEFORE ELECTION DAY, with these documents.

I will PRAY that what Jerome Corsi came home with is legitimate, as I don’t like bark soup and I would rather smoke than ride my bike to the grocery.

Am I refusing the gift horse? Or, am I facing the Trojan horse? Are they the same?

Note: mrje posted this as a comment. My thanks for allowing it to be moved to a post. JAMES.   

     Perhaps taking his cue from Obama’s marching orders to “get in their faces and yell”, a job recruiter for the youth clotheir Abercrombie & Fitch used a job fair in Columbus, OH to spread the Obama message…. that of intimidation.

     It was relayed to me that while at this job fair earlier this week, a recruiter at the Abercrombie site asked the applicant what his political affiliation was. He then went further and asked who the applicant would be casting his vote for in November. The applicant answered that he was a Republican and would be voting as such, to which the recruiter LAUGHED at the applicant, basically intimidating him for his lack of support for Barack Obama.

     Abercrombie & Fitch, which ironically had great “product placement” at one of Obama’s primary acceptance speeches, is a publicly traded company (Symbol: ANF). I have attempted to get a statement from the office of the CEO, Mike Jeffries, to no avail as of yet.

     While this conversation might be acceptable in other circumstances, it has no place in a job fair or in an interview process. One has to figure that management of Abercrombie & Fitch  would not appreciate their brand being represented in this manner!

     Making his first court appearance after being indicted for hacking into the email accounts of Gov. Sarah Palin, David Kernell pled “not guilty” to federal charges stemming from the hacking incident.

David Kernell, 20

     David Kernell, 20, is an economics student at the University of Tennessee (UT) in Knoxville, and he is the son of Rep. Mike Kernell of Memphis, a longtime Democratic Tennessean lawmaker. Kernell was released without bond, but one of the conditions of his release is that he not own a computer, and any computer usage will be limited to checking email and class work.

      After hacking Gov. Palin’s email accounts, Kernell posted the Governor’s email contact list, Bristol Palin’s cellphone number, family photographs, and the screenshots of some of the emails that he had accessed.

      Kernell faces a maximum sentence of 5 years in prison, a fine of $250,000, and 3 years of supervised release if he is convicted. The judge set his trial date for December 16th.

     We have now listened to the ever flowing verbage of the political hacks disecting each and every segment of the performances of Sen. John McCain and Sen. Barack Obama in the 2nd Presidential Debate. Not surprising is the fact the CNN viewers voted Obama as the debate winner, while FOXNews viewers proclaimed McCain as the victor. One thing that both the left and the right can agree on from the debate was that Tom Brokaw, as the moderator, did not let a true TownHall meeting debate ensue– perhaps the “negotiated” ground rules that the Obama team demanded were far too constraining.

     The Gallup organization, in a “first glance” after the debate, have developed a few opinions for the Presidential race as it stands right now:

Gallup’s Quick Read on the Election

Updated Oct. 7, 2008

1. Democrats continue to have a “structural” election advantage in this election. Although Republicans gained on Democrats in terms of party identification in the immediate aftermath of the Republican National Convention, Democrats have now regained the edge, and have a double-digit lead in terms of party affiliation. Recent polls have shown Democrats with a substantial edge on generic ballots for Congress. Additionally, the incumbent Republican president now has the lowest job approval rating of his administration, one of the lowest in Gallup history. Voters want a change in leadership. Satisfaction with the way things are going in the country, now at 9%, is the lowest measured in Gallup’s history, and satisfaction with the way the country is being governed is at a new low ebb. The Wall Street financial crisis has driven economic ratings to record lows. All of these remain negatives for the party currently holding the White House.

2. It is, therefore, not surprising that Barack Obama has held a significant lead over John McCain in each Gallup Poll Daily tracking release since Gallup’s Sept. 23-25 average, the longest such sustained lead of the campaign. It’s still too early to estimate election probabilities, and the lead in the race may change hands yet again, particularly with two debates to go, but everything else being equal, the data suggest, at this point, that Obama has the edge.

3. Broadly speaking, the structure of this race has been similar to 2000 and 2004 — very close elections. Both candidates this year have a high percentage of their party’s vote. Obama has a slight edge among independents. Obama has the significant advantage in the larger group of Americans who now identify themselves as Democrats.

4. Turnout will be a key factor. Obama would benefit from unusual (and unprecedented) enthusiasm among young voters and minority voters. McCain would benefit from a more typical higher turnout among Republicans, highly religious white voters. Results of likely voter modeling this summer and early fall so far have been mixed. In the days after the GOP convention, McCain benefited from a surge among likely voters. Overall enthusiasm about voting, which dropped off significantly earlier in the summer, resurged after the Republican convention.

5. Gallup’s polling showed a decline in the estimate of “swing voters” as a result of the conventions — those who said they either had not made up their mind or could change their mind about their candidate support. Both Obama and McCain’s supporters became a little more certain in their vote choice.

6. The convention and vice presidential candidate selection “bounces” this year followed fairly typical and predictable patterns. Gallup analysis showed no bounce for Obama based on his selection of Joe Biden as his vice presidential running mate, a modest four-point bounce for Obama as a result of his convention, a two-point bounce for McCain on the day of his selection of Sarah Palin as his vice presidential running mate, and a six-point bounce for McCain as a result of his convention.

7. Gallup data now show that both Obama and McCain have majority favorable ratings from the American public, with Obama’s slightly more favorable. Sarah Palin’s unfavorable ratings have risen, and her overall image is much more negative than Joe Biden’s. A majority of Americans say that Palin is not qualified to be president.

8. Pattern of candidate support is similar to 2000 and 2004 elections. Obama’s strengths: non-white race and ethnic groups, including blacks and Hispanics; 18-29; those with postgraduate educations; women; those with very low incomes; those who have no religious identification/for whom religion is not important/do not attend church; those who are unmarried. McCain’s strengths: non-Hispanic whites; 65 and older; those who are married; white Protestants and non-Catholic Christians; whites who attend church frequently/for whom religion is important.

9. Top voter issue this year is the economy. The relevance of the economy has intensified since Sept. 15 with the extraordinary crisis on Wall Street and deteriorating consumer confidence. Gas prices, Iraq, healthcare, and terrorism remain important, but are taking second seat to the economy. Obama’s perceived strengths: domestic issues, compassion, empathy, bringing about change. McCain’s perceived strengths: experience, international issues, terrorism, viewed as capable commander in chief. All in all, it appears, at least in the short term, the focus on the economic crisis has benefitted Obama.

     The key item in the Gallup understandings is that unless the youth vote that Obama has courted so greatly ACTUALLY shows up to vote, in historic and unprecedented numbers, all of Obama’s present poll leads are futile. Further, a good showing by McCain at the debate next week, coupled with more voter fraud issues arising through ACORN (with its close ties to the Obama campaign), and the groundswell that is beginning in the media regarding the unknowns and contradictions of Obama’s past, the poll figures are subject to reversal.

    As each pundit has said, FOUR WEEKS in this campaign is a very long time!


     Did Sen. John McCain drop a bomb that will ultimately sink the Republican ship, as Nina Easton of Fortune magazine commented after the Presidential Debate at Belmont Unviersity?

    Citing that the $700 Billion dollar bailout (McCain called it a Rescue) would not be enough, McCain said that he would propose a $300 billion dollar program that would enable the Treasury to buy bad mortgages and modify the mortgages to enable the homeowner to retain their homes at the new decreased market rates.

    This plan, first of all, caught McCain’s surrogates offguard. Mitt Romney was as surprised as anyone when he heard the plan mentioned. The pundits have said that McCain should probably have laid initial groundworkfor this idea before it was a part of his comments tonight.

     Additionally, McCain did not mention the conservative economist who is in support of this plan. The principle goal is to get  property values back in check. As I have stated before, I find this concept unfavorable because those whose mortgages are not at risk will see their values decrease further as the riskier mortgaged homes are modified and the property appraisers re-evaluate all values on a comparable basis.

     This basically “flies” in the face of the conservative base values, as I see it. The next few days will show exactly what Sen. McCain was suggesting, and what impact it will have, both on the economic recovery and the future of a McCain Presidency. Quoting Michelle Malkin “We’re Screwed 08”.

     Live from Music City USA, Nashville’s Belmont University has played host to the 2nd Presidential debate. Belmont is just blocks from the massive Vanderbilt University campus, Vanderbilt often referred to as the “Harvard of the South“. Both schools have hosted forums and symposiums for their students in the days that have lead up to this debate, exposing the students to a vast array of media and politicians.

     With Obama leading in the polls, primarily as a result of the recent financial crisis, it would have seemed that McCain would come out on the defensive. Such has not been the case, since the format of the debate is what John McCain likes the best– the Town Hall meeting. For the hours leading up to the debate, the McCain camp said that he would hit hard on the economy, and the Obama team is saying they are the underdogs, despite being up in the polls, because of the format of the debate.


    Tom Brokaw moderated the debate, fielding questions from the audience, as well as 1000’s of emailed questions that have been submitted.

     Right from the outset, Obama, in an economic question, immediately attempted to tie McCain to Bush’s failed economic policies. McCain, thankful to Obama for finally seeing him at a TownHall meeting, countered with the need for spending cuts, a commitment to no increased taxes, and a commitment to energy. His proposal to buy failed mortgages and renegotiate those mortgages as a means of stabilizing the declining housing market is not one that I favor, as I have expressed in the bailout discussions.

     McCain points to the Democrats for the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac debacle, including mentions of Obama’s receipt of huge contributions. 

     Economic concerns are going to straddle the next administration, and neither candidate will commit as to what particular campaign promises will need to be shelved or scaled back as a result of the economic problems we are facing at this moment. Energy, health care, education and national security were listed as items that cannot be sidelined.

     Both sides tried to use the other’s record to attck them, and both were somewhat uncooperative with Tom Brokaw in abiding with the time constraint rules.

     McCain regards health care as a responsibility and Obama regards it is as a right. McCain also stressed that according to Obama, government needs to be playing a “stronger” role in our lives, mandating the circumstances of our lives.

     “Talk softly and carry a big stick”, quoting Teddy Roosevelt, McCain compares and contrasts his approach to foreign policy and national security. Obama tried to get us to understand how he sees our role in the world,a nd the apologies that we owe. McCain stressed our commitment to Israel, and to be ready if Iran were to attack. In fairness, Obama acknowledges our commitment to Israel.

     Were there any major barbs? Not that I could tell. McCain did try to use slight digs here and there to unnerve Obama somewhat. It was evident in Obama’s ongoing attempt to keep rebuttals going back and forth.

     The last question was “What don’t you know and how will you learn it?” Did anyone notice in Obama’s answer that he mentioned his great education that he got through scholarships– waht about those student loans he claims to have just paid off??! McCain- “Strong hands needed at the tiller in these tough times; I look forward to once again putting my “Country First“!

     Both campaign managers and strategists will claim victory. We will now have to listen to the pundits, on the left and the right, to have their say. Our say— that’s on the ballot.



     The following are several links with some very great detail on the background of the relationship between William Ayers, Bernadine Dohrns, Michelle Obama, and Sen. Barack Obama. They are lengthy, and full of intricate details, thus rather than trying to sift the information, I am posting the links so that the reader can get the full accounting of the details:  Blood on the Hands of Obama Terrorist Associate

Remember, we know very little on Barack Obama’s time in New York City, and even FOX News skimmed right through those “important” years in their series on Obama.