Shortly after take off from New York’s LaGuardia International Airport, a USAirways flight bound for Charlotte NC was apparently struck by something, and within minutes, it crash landed into the Hudson River. An eyewitness said that it appears that the pilot was able to bring the plane to rest on the river in such a way as to minimize the impact.

     Immediately a multijurisdictional rescue went into action. Ferry boats and tugboats converged immediately, and rescue units were at the pier with stretchers if needed. With 135 passengers, plus the crew, the immediate concern was getting them off the plane before it sank. Passengers began to appear on the wing area and some in the water. The temperature is 21 degrees, water temperature is 43 degrees, wth a windchill factor of 35 degrees. Some of the rescuers ended up being ferry passengers from the ferries that responded. All sources have said that the “first responders” were great in their efforts.

A ferry was dropping life jackets into the water after the plane entered the river.

     FOXNews has just reported police confirmation that all passengers and crew have been accounted for, and are enroute to area hospitals. It is being reported that birds took out both engines.

     The plane entered the water Thursday afternoon following a failed takeoff, the FAA says.

UPDATE (4:23pm): Although there are conflicting reports about how many passengers and crew were on the plane, it is still  being confirmed that all passengers and crew have been accounted for!