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 For many months, Larry Sinclair has tried to get the Obama campaign to acknowledge the Senator’s drug use with him in 1999. He has tried to get the media to hear his story and investigate it. He has endured, along with his family, personal attacks that have included intimidation of his mother, the cessation of his disability income, and his arrest precipitated by a bogus claim pushed through a Delaware grand jury at the behest of Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden, whose father was rewarded for his cooperation in this matter by being named as Obama’s running mate.

     Late yesterday, in an illegal activity that will make Watergate look like child’s play, BOTH of Larry Sinclair’s email accounts, through AOL and HotMail, were hacked into and ALL emails removed. That was then followed by the complete elimination of all of the postings on Larry Sinclair’s blogsites. In addition to that, the site that started the Larry Sinclair story rolling, YouTube, removed his videos and closed his account. Of course, all of this was preceded by the Blogspot radio completely erasing his entire radio show and archives without any warning.

     The email accounts were obviously attacked to garner the information that had been sent to Sinclair. Months of speculation by the Sinclair naysayers have pointed to various groups that the naysayers believed were behind the Sinclair movement. Although Sinclair has made it abundantly clear that he was not an operative for anyone, the internet Obama thugs have tried to attach him to anyone they could, from Hillary Clinton to John McCain.

     Even as I post this, Larry Sinclair is in the process of getting the sites restored, and continuing to get the message out.

Larry Sinclair, “Taking It To the Streets”

     So, if Larry Sinclair’s story is not true, WHY THE MAJOR CONCERTED EFFORT to make sure it is stopped NOW ?? Why not Phil Berg’s story, or TexasDarlin’s blogs? Why not NoQuartersUSA?

     Looks like it’s going to get even bumpier !!