As Obama travels for his Chicago home to the Louisiana coast to view his the damages from the BP Oil crisis, as the press day winds down into a holiday weekend, the “transparent” Obama White House has released its “version” of the circumstances surrounding the alleged job offer to Rep. Joe Sestak (D-Pa) in exchange for him NOT running against Arlen Specter for the US Senate race.

        The White House version shows Pres. Bill Clinton playing the role of “old time” party boss making the overture to Sestak. Presumably, Clinton was acting at the behest of Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, a former Cinton White House official. This report follows after Clinton lunched with Obama at the White House prior to his first press conference of 2010 on May 27th.

       Does this end the Sestak matter, or will Sestak’s expected statement cause more heartburn at the White House?