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     The media, in their infinite control of the information spoon-fed to us on a 24/7 basis, is giving us the information that is needed to portray Sen. Barack Obama as the cool headed, strong commander while attempting to make Sen. John McCain look like he George Bush for a 3rd term. Worse, the media allows themselves to be shouted over by the Obama spokespeople who are now talking in the same arrogant tone of elitist attitude that Obama does.

     Sen. McCain, I in no way have the experience that your political strategists have, but I do know that you have crowds at your rallies telling you they are mad because they know that the media has BO-Jacked this election from us.

     It is well known that you stated early on in the Rev. Wright fiasco that this issue was not up for use on character assassination. I respect your attempt to honor your word. At the same time, your opponent  has promised the electorate that he would have a “different” type of campaign, an open and transparent campaign, and guess what? He has not honored his word to be open and transparent!

          He didn’t know Ayer’s past, but then says he thought he was repentant.

          He never heard any of those Rev. Wright comments— Michelle probably has all the DVD’s.

          He never worked for ACORN– twist on words, since ACORN is many groups and alliances.

          He keeps mentioning all your lobbyist ties and the banking industry, but forgets that his running mate’s family are LOBBYISTS, and his running mate represents the state that all the banking and credit card companies flock too !!

      Sen. Barack Obama has not put forth any comprehensive plan to tackle our economic concerns. Further, no one, in either camapign or in Washington, are addressing the grassroots concerns that there may be a concerted Socialistic agenda underway to minimize our dollar on the world market to such an extreme that we will be forced to a new monetary system such as the Ameros.

       In these waning days of this election, we need our candidate to show that he is the maverick that can be the true leader in this crisis. We don’t need the racial epithets at the rallies, but we do need the voice of the American concern in what an Obama Presidency will be like. We have every reason to fear for our freedoms, for his campaign’s strong arm tactics in the control of our freedom of speech and our freedom the press have already compromised those freedoms.

      Sen. McCain- be our William Wilberforce !!