In the months since I have begun blogging, even before establishing this blogsite, I have been attacked for my conservative views, or, more simply, for not falling into line with the support of Chairman Barack. (Trying to be humorous despite the “doom and gloom” of our daily news!).

     I am not one that falls prey to the multitude of conspiracy theorists, well, except for the fact that in no way was President Kennedy assassinated by a lone gunman! So I read and watch some of the stories unfold, and the conspiracy theories that follow.

     Earlier this summer, a radio talk show host made calims that we were headed towards a financial disaster, that China played a major role in it, and that a sure tell-tale sign would be the movement of a great deal of dollar assets to foreign accounts.

     To my surprise, or perhaps not, as the mortgage fiasco and Wall Street meltdown unfolded during the past few weeks, these exact events appeared.

     Now, based on some verbage used by Rep. Brad Sherman when the House debated the bailout legislation, some validity can be attached to internet claims of an “Amero” dollar having already been minted by the U.S. Treasury, and there are claims that the Chinese banks have already received an amount of Ameros to secure our debt to them in the event of the collapse of our monetary system. The Amero will be the currency for the “union” of Canada and Mexico with the United States– in line with the proposed “superhighway“.

     Were our legislators strong armed in the back rooms and hallways of Congress with the idea that martial law would be imposed if the bailout package were not passed? A particular brigade has been reassigned for “disturbance” control within our borders. They have used hurricanes and other circumstances as the reasoning.

      Add figures like George Soros, and the conspiracy theories will continue to grow. The question is which one’s will become reality.