After it was announced on Monday that “Grandma” Madelyn Dunham, or Toot, as Barry calls her, was gravely ill and that the grandson she raised was leaving his campaign for a few days to visit her, the media quickly showered the Presidential candidate with great praise….. the dutiful grandson putting family before everything else (as it should be).

Barack Obama & his maternal grandparents in NYC Central Park

     That was Monday, and this is Thursday. Obama has campaigned through Florida (Tuesday), Virginia (Wednesday), and today he is in Indianaoplis, enroute to Hawaii to see Toot tomorrow. Mrs. Dunham will be 86 on Sunday, and has been in failing health.

      Exactly how ill is the most influential woman in Barack Obama’s life, until Michelle Obama entered and changed its direction? From my own personal experience, my grandmother who I had never seen ill a day of my life, had a minor heart attack, and in less than two weeks, her entire health failed and she passed away. If Toot is “holding on” to see her Barry, isn’t it selfish and insensitive to not have had that plane headed to Hawaii Monday night?

     After all, Obama told the press that he waited “too long” to return to Hawaii when his mother was dying 13 years ago, thinking they had more time. He said he didn’t want to repeat that mistake, because he arrived in Hawaii too late!!


Stanley Dunham with his daughter, Ann Dunham, and grandchildren Barack and Maya Soetoro